B letter E L hangman tile red letter I E letter V letter E

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tool #1

I created an avatar through Yahoo for the 21 things! That was like making a Mi. I liked being able to choose from different characters! Now I have the dog and none of the mess! Blogging is fun! Even more fun to get comments on what you write...so comment folks!!


  1. Well, your voki certainly lives up to the Laugh part of your blog title! Look forward to what other fun you come up with using the 11 Tools!

    P.S. You might want to change the post title to Tool #1 ...??

  2. Glad you've started 11 Tools. Sounds like we'll be doing a lot of blogging together this summer.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I lub the title of your Blog!!!! yes...lub!
    I am like getting all excited about next year, Our team has great ideas brewing!!!!
